Fit and Fabulous


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Makarasana (Crocodile Pose) For Glowing Face

September 06, 2017 0

Makarasana (Crocodile Pose) For 

Glowing Face

Makara means Crocodile. In the final position of the posture. It looks like a crocodile. There are simple steps that will help you do the crocodile pose which is not a very simple pose.


You have to start by lying flat on your belly with your forehead resting on the floor or the mat and hands resting beside you, palm down.

Spread your legs slightly with your feet pointing outwards.

As you exhale, lift your head, legs and upper torso away from the floor

Remember not to strain any part of your body to lift any other part higher.

Our lower ribs, abdomen and pelvic should be supporting your body

Now, slowly raise your arms away from the floor and stretch them by imagining there is weight pressing down between your shoulder blades.

Look ahead without stressing the neck or the forehead.

Stay in this position for 30 seconds and slowly increase it to one minute.

As you finish, slowly return to the starting position.


This posture is very effective for people suffering from slipped disc, sciatica and certain types of lower back pain.

They should remain in this asana for extended periods of time as it encourages the vertebral column to resume its normal shape

Asthmatics and people who have any other lung ailments should practice this simple asana regularly with breath awareness as it allows more air to enter the lungs.

Please Note:

Avoid this pose if you have any serious back injury. People with neck injuries should keep the head in a neutral position or use a folded blanket to support the neck during the asana.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Vrischika-Asana ( The Scorpion Pose ) For Weight Loss

September 05, 2017 0

Vrischika-Asana ( The Scorpion Pose ) 

For Weight Loss

Vrischika-asana is the Sanskrit word for scorpion. This posture is so named because the body resembles a scorpion with its tail arched above its head ready to sting its Victim. Although it may not be a simple posture for beginners to perform, the scorpion is not as difficult as it may at first seem.


Kneel on the floor and lean forward placing the elbows and forearms flat on the floor with the palms facing down. Your arms should be placed about shoulders-distance apart.

Extend your head forward and lift it as high as possible

Raise the buttocks and place the feet firmly on the bottoms the toes

Inhale, a swing the legs up and over the head while maintaining  your balance. Bring the legs straight up over your head.

Slowly bend the knees and drop the legs toward the head being careful not to move too quickly or drop the legs to far while maintaining balance.

Reverse the steps above and return to a kneeling position.

Hold the Vrischika-asana for as long as you are comfortable. Keep in mind that returning from the posture gracefully without falling out of it will take some strength, so don't hold it too long. 20-30 seconds is fine for early attempts,increase the time gradually as  you become more proficient.


The Vrischika-asana is a great way to strengthen your torso and back and get rid of stubborn fat from these areas.

It also helps to strengthen your arms and your shoulders.

The Scorpion Pose also helps you to improve your sense of balance.

This posture also an excellent asana for improving the flexibility of the spine.

It also helps to build stamina and endurance.

Please Note: 

First and foremost, if you are new to this pose, it is a good idea to perform it under the guidance of a expert yoga teacher.

Do not attempt this pose until your yoga trainer or guru tells you are ready for it.

You should not perform this pose if you suffer from any hips or back problems.

If you have a history of heart disease, it is best to avoid this posture

People who have high blood pressure or suffer from vertigo should also avoid performing the scorpion pose.

The Scorpion should not be attempted until you are comfortable with all the balance postures(e.g. Vriksha-asana,Ekapada-asana etc)
as well as the Headstand pose. Beginners should do this posture under the supervision of a qualified teacher. When first attempting the scorpion asana you may want to try it while facing a wall. Position yourself so that when you are doing step#1 above your head is about 2-3 feet from the wall. This way if you lose your balance you can use the wall for support. This posture will provide maximum stretch to the neck,spine and chest. It combines many of the benefits of the Chakra-asana (The Wheel Pose) and the (Headstand Pose).

Monday, September 4, 2017

Virabhadrasana (Warrior One Pose) For Anti-aging

September 04, 2017 0

Virabhadrasana  (Warrior One Pose) For 


This iconic posture stretches women where they need it most-the hips and shoulders. On top of opening tight areas. Virabhadrasana is a strengthening posture. It builds the muscle of the thighs along with the areas around the knees, which means more stability and protection for sensitive joints during high impact sports.


Start with the Mountain pose.

Jump or move your right foot sideways so your feet are about four apart

Turn your right foot 90 degrees to the right and position your left foot about 45 degrees to the right.

Rotate your torso to the right

Bend your right knee. Make sure that the knee is directly above foot. Bending too much may lead to knee injury.

Raise both hands-palms should be facing inward and fingers are outstretched.


Strengthens your shoulders,arms,legs,ankles and back

Open your hips,chest and lungs

Improves focus,balance and stability

Teaches your mind to stay grounded while facing challenge

Increases body awareness

Encourages good circulation and respiration

Stretches your arms,legs,shoulders,neck,belly,groins and ankles

Please Note:

Lower back pain try this variation. Bend slightly forward from the hips,lengthening your torso on a diagonal. Work your abdominal for support. People with weak heart should not practice this posture.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Half Pigeon Pose) For Belly Fat

August 31, 2017 0

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Half Pigeon Pose) For Belly Fat

Half Pigeon Pose will be your best friend. This posture is a challenging one, but you can ease yourself into it as your hips opens more and more. Since it's a powerful way to open the gluts, hamstrings,adductors and hip flexors, Half pigeon can help you when you take part in physical activities,carrying heavy objects,etc.
Once you release the tension in your hips, you'll also feel the benefit in your lower back and other areas of your body.


Begin with kneeling on the floor. Stretch out your left leg behind you. Bend your right knee such that your right foot comes close to your left pelvic bone with your toes pointed out.Lean slightly forward to puff out your chest.

Take the support of the ground by placing your hands on it for balance.

Look in front and maintain a steady gaze.

Hold the pose for 30 seconds and repeat. This is the pose for beginners.


Increase external range of motion of femur in hip socket

Lengthens hip flexors

Prepares body for backbends

Prepares body for seated postures such as Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

The stretch at the entire abdominal muscles encourages a proper functioning of the internal organs, thus improving digestion too.

With the leg stretched out behind you while the body is balancing on one side of the hip, it puts pressure in holding the leg stretched out along with tightening the muscles,thus giving a deep opening to the entire leg muscles.

Improves blood circulation

A repeat practice of this pose,tones the hips and the sides of the back, removing the excess fat with the gentle stretch of the abdomen and the lower back.

Please Note:

Avoid this pose if you suffer from knee injury and sacroiliac issues.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Salamba Sirsasana ( Head stand Pose) For Weight Loss

August 28, 2017 0

Salamba Sirsasana ( Head stand Pose) For Weight Loss


Sit in Vajrasana, kneeling down and sitting on the inner side of your leg, your elbows in the front leaning forward, now rest your head between your hands on the floor.

Slowly raise your abdomen to form a mountain pose, resting on your toes alone, now slowly lift your right leg bending at your knee, and slowly lift your left leg also the same way.

Now completely balancing with your head, lift both legs one by one

Straight up in the air stay a while and very gently bring the legs down one by one

To rest back in the first position


Stimulates pituitary glands and pineal glands, strengthens lungs and tones abdominal, therapeutic for insomnia and mild depression.

The very fact the body is inverted gives room for better blood circulation to the brain and eyes.

Helps to realign the vertebral column, thus correcting any minor postural defects.

The weight of the abdominal organs on the diaphragm encourages deeper exhalation so that more carbon dioxide and other toxins are removed from the lungs.

Healing of Diabetes

Prevention of Asthma

Removes menopausal imbalances

Disorders of the nervous systems, reproductive system and glandular disorders.

The solution for anxiety, stress and anger management.

Please Note:

These are some points of caution you must keep in mind before you practice this asana. Avoid this pose at all costs if you suffer from the following issues.

Back injury
A heart condition
High blood pressure
If you are menstruating, A neck  injury

If you have low blood pressure, don't begin your practice with this asana.

Only if you are an expert or have been practising this pose for long.You can continue practising this pose through your pregnancy.But don't begin to practice this pose after you become pregnant.

This is an advanced pose and must be practised only under the supervision of a certified yoga teacher.It is also best to consult your doctor before you do this asana.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Vyaghrasana ( Tiger Pose) For Weight Loss

August 22, 2017 0

Vyaghrasana ( Tiger Pose) For Weight Loss


Assume the starting position for cat stretch and look forward.

Inhale, depress the back, straighten the left leg, stretch it up to the back and look upwards.

Exhale, bend the left knee and swing the leg forward, bring the knee as close as possible to the forehead.

Repeat the movement five minutes.

Practice on the other side.


Exercising and loosening the back by bending it alternately in both directions, toning the spinal nerves.

Relieving Sciatica and loosening up the legs and hip joints.

Stretching the abdominal muscles.

Promoting digestion and stimulating blood circulation.

Reducing weight from the hips and thighs.

Please Note:

People with recent or chronic injuries of the back, hips or knees should avoid this posture.

PavanaMuktasana (The Wind-Relieving Pose) For Belly Fat

August 22, 2017 0

PavanaMuktasana (The Wind-Relieving Pose) For Belly Fat


Lie down in Shavasana to perform the Eka pada Pavana mutha asana.

Bend and lift your right knee while breathing in and simultaneously lift your head off the ground!

Try to touch your knee to your forehead and return to the sun sine position!

Repeat at-least two more times to complete a set of three rounds of the practice!

Relax a few seconds and then perform the practice three times on the left side!

Relax in Shavasana for a few minutes with deep and rhythmic breathing! To perform Dwipada Pavanamukthasana.

Lying in Shavasana, inhale and slowly draw both knees in towards your chest.Wrap your hands around the knees and pull them gently towards your chest, while at the same time drawing your head, nose towards the knees.Hold this position for 20-30 seconds, breathing in a calm and relaxed manner.


Massages ascending, descending and transverse colon.

Regulates and normalizes hydro electric acid levels in the stomach.

Improves and may cure conditions of constipation, flatulence and hyper acidity.

Relieves lower back pain.

Improves flexibility of the hip joints.

Firms and tones muscles of the abdominal wall, thighs and hips.

Please Note:

People who have been operated for a hernia should not practice this asana.

Similarly, pregnant women should not practice this pose.

This asana should not be practised by those who are suffering from severe back or waist pain.

Featured post

Makarasana (Crocodile Pose) For Glowing Face

Makarasana (Crocodile Pose) For  Glowing Face Makara means Crocodile. In the final position of the posture. It looks li...