Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Vrischika-Asana ( The Scorpion Pose ) For Weight Loss

Vrischika-Asana ( The Scorpion Pose ) 

For Weight Loss

Vrischika-asana is the Sanskrit word for scorpion. This posture is so named because the body resembles a scorpion with its tail arched above its head ready to sting its Victim. Although it may not be a simple posture for beginners to perform, the scorpion is not as difficult as it may at first seem.


Kneel on the floor and lean forward placing the elbows and forearms flat on the floor with the palms facing down. Your arms should be placed about shoulders-distance apart.

Extend your head forward and lift it as high as possible

Raise the buttocks and place the feet firmly on the bottoms the toes

Inhale, a swing the legs up and over the head while maintaining  your balance. Bring the legs straight up over your head.

Slowly bend the knees and drop the legs toward the head being careful not to move too quickly or drop the legs to far while maintaining balance.

Reverse the steps above and return to a kneeling position.

Hold the Vrischika-asana for as long as you are comfortable. Keep in mind that returning from the posture gracefully without falling out of it will take some strength, so don't hold it too long. 20-30 seconds is fine for early attempts,increase the time gradually as  you become more proficient.


The Vrischika-asana is a great way to strengthen your torso and back and get rid of stubborn fat from these areas.

It also helps to strengthen your arms and your shoulders.

The Scorpion Pose also helps you to improve your sense of balance.

This posture also an excellent asana for improving the flexibility of the spine.

It also helps to build stamina and endurance.

Please Note: 

First and foremost, if you are new to this pose, it is a good idea to perform it under the guidance of a expert yoga teacher.

Do not attempt this pose until your yoga trainer or guru tells you are ready for it.

You should not perform this pose if you suffer from any hips or back problems.

If you have a history of heart disease, it is best to avoid this posture

People who have high blood pressure or suffer from vertigo should also avoid performing the scorpion pose.

The Scorpion should not be attempted until you are comfortable with all the balance postures(e.g. Vriksha-asana,Ekapada-asana etc)
as well as the Headstand pose. Beginners should do this posture under the supervision of a qualified teacher. When first attempting the scorpion asana you may want to try it while facing a wall. Position yourself so that when you are doing step#1 above your head is about 2-3 feet from the wall. This way if you lose your balance you can use the wall for support. This posture will provide maximum stretch to the neck,spine and chest. It combines many of the benefits of the Chakra-asana (The Wheel Pose) and the (Headstand Pose).

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