Thursday, July 6, 2017

Salabhasana (Locust Pose) for weight loss

Salabhasana (Locust Pose) for weight loss


Lie on your stomach with your arms alongside your body, palms facing up, your forehead rests on the floor.

Gently lift your head.

Lift your head,upper torso and arms.

Lift your legs. Keep your arms parallel to the floor. 

You will be resting on your abdomen and lower ribs. Stay on this position for about a minute.

The Locust Pose is a stretching Pose, that focuses on the abdsamen, and the upper and lower back. The primary benefits of the Locust Pose are to build flexibility and strength in the back. This pose a counter-stretch to Seated Forward Bend,Plough Pose and shoulder stand.


Strengthens the muscles in the lower back.
Improves flexibility in the back.

Particularly recommended for relieving lower back and sciatica.

Massages to the internal organs.

Improves digestion.

Strengthens the shoulders and arms.


The Locust Pose is a great Yoga posture,but is not considered practical for most individuals as a posture for meditation.

It puts a lot of stress on the hip joints and knee and should be approached with care,especially by beginners.

Some of the Locust Pose precautions include avoiding this pose if you have injured or weak knees as a lot of stress is put on the knees. Also, refrain from practicing this pose if you have sciatica.

You should also avoid this pose if you have any injury to the ankle.

1 comment:

  1. The way you are teaching salabhasana is amazing. I literally loved your method. We have started such website to teach Yoga poses for kids and elder people.You guys can make a visit to our website and give us some feedback about it.


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