Monday, August 28, 2017

Salamba Sirsasana ( Head stand Pose) For Weight Loss

Salamba Sirsasana ( Head stand Pose) For Weight Loss


Sit in Vajrasana, kneeling down and sitting on the inner side of your leg, your elbows in the front leaning forward, now rest your head between your hands on the floor.

Slowly raise your abdomen to form a mountain pose, resting on your toes alone, now slowly lift your right leg bending at your knee, and slowly lift your left leg also the same way.

Now completely balancing with your head, lift both legs one by one

Straight up in the air stay a while and very gently bring the legs down one by one

To rest back in the first position


Stimulates pituitary glands and pineal glands, strengthens lungs and tones abdominal, therapeutic for insomnia and mild depression.

The very fact the body is inverted gives room for better blood circulation to the brain and eyes.

Helps to realign the vertebral column, thus correcting any minor postural defects.

The weight of the abdominal organs on the diaphragm encourages deeper exhalation so that more carbon dioxide and other toxins are removed from the lungs.

Healing of Diabetes

Prevention of Asthma

Removes menopausal imbalances

Disorders of the nervous systems, reproductive system and glandular disorders.

The solution for anxiety, stress and anger management.

Please Note:

These are some points of caution you must keep in mind before you practice this asana. Avoid this pose at all costs if you suffer from the following issues.

Back injury
A heart condition
High blood pressure
If you are menstruating, A neck  injury

If you have low blood pressure, don't begin your practice with this asana.

Only if you are an expert or have been practising this pose for long.You can continue practising this pose through your pregnancy.But don't begin to practice this pose after you become pregnant.

This is an advanced pose and must be practised only under the supervision of a certified yoga teacher.It is also best to consult your doctor before you do this asana.

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