Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Supta Vajrasana (Sleeping Thunderbolt Pose) for weight loss

Supta Vajrasana (Sleeping Thunderbolt Pose) for weight loss

Sit in Vajrasana. Keep the back straight and flex the feet,chin parallel to the floor and hands beside your hips.

Fold your right leg in,sit onto the right heel and followed by the left.Distribute your weight equally on both heels and feel that both sit bones are resting on the heels,thighs on the calf muscles.Keep the knees together or slightly apart,back straight and look forward. Gently place both palms on to the knees,Vajrasana(Thunderbolt Pose).

To come into Supta Vajrasana ,place both hands by your side,feel the sitting bones moving in towards the center,lengthen the tailbone towards the pubic bone and slowly your hands when you are able to place the elbows onto the floor.

Lower down the back torso more towards the ground if you can. place the crown of the head on the floor first,followed by the back of the head and finally the shoulders,continue to lengthen the tailbone towards the pubic bone and the pubis towards the navel and drawing the ribs slightly in and together. Try not to lift the knees off the ground here,keep them down on the mat.

Release Posture:

To release the asana, support your body with your elbows and slowly raise the head ans torso up. Return the hands to your sides.Raise your knees and shift your  weight onto your toes.Straighten the left leg. Straighten the right leg and lower the buttocks to the ground returning to sitting position.


Helps conditions of Sciatica,gout,varicose veins and rheumatism in the legs.

Slims and tones thighs,firms calf muscles and strengthens the abdomen.

Strengthens and improves flexibility of lower spine,knees and ankle joints.

Lubricates and increases circulation to joints.

Strengthens and lengthens abdominal muscles.

Create a great stretch into hip joints and diaphragm.

Relieves lower back pain.

Please Note:

Be careful with your ankles,knees and shoulders.

Should not practice in case of high blood pressure,slipped disc,those who suffer from vertigo,pregnancy,bad back/tight sacroiliac joints,knees injury and surgery.Experiencing a sharp  pain in the ankles.

Neck injuries or surgery.

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