Tuesday, August 22, 2017

PavanaMuktasana (The Wind-Relieving Pose) For Belly Fat

PavanaMuktasana (The Wind-Relieving Pose) For Belly Fat


Lie down in Shavasana to perform the Eka pada Pavana mutha asana.

Bend and lift your right knee while breathing in and simultaneously lift your head off the ground!

Try to touch your knee to your forehead and return to the sun sine position!

Repeat at-least two more times to complete a set of three rounds of the practice!

Relax a few seconds and then perform the practice three times on the left side!

Relax in Shavasana for a few minutes with deep and rhythmic breathing! To perform Dwipada Pavanamukthasana.

Lying in Shavasana, inhale and slowly draw both knees in towards your chest.Wrap your hands around the knees and pull them gently towards your chest, while at the same time drawing your head, nose towards the knees.Hold this position for 20-30 seconds, breathing in a calm and relaxed manner.


Massages ascending, descending and transverse colon.

Regulates and normalizes hydro electric acid levels in the stomach.

Improves and may cure conditions of constipation, flatulence and hyper acidity.

Relieves lower back pain.

Improves flexibility of the hip joints.

Firms and tones muscles of the abdominal wall, thighs and hips.

Please Note:

People who have been operated for a hernia should not practice this asana.

Similarly, pregnant women should not practice this pose.

This asana should not be practised by those who are suffering from severe back or waist pain.

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