Thursday, August 10, 2017

Vira-Asana (The Hero Pose) For Glowing Face

Vira-Asana (The Hero Pose) For 

Glowing Face

Hero Pose is a classical seated Yoga Posture that stretches the thighs and ankles while improving posture. It is one of the most ancient and traditional postures used for meditation and breathing exercises. The Vira-Asana is an alternative to the Padmasana,Siddha-asana , as well as other seated postures for meditation and pranayama. 


Kneel on the floor with the calves and tops of the feet flat on the floor and the thighs touching.

Slowly spread the feet,about shoulder distance apart,while keeping the knees together.Place the buttocks flat on the floor.The outer sides of the thighs are touching the inner sides of the calves and the soles of the feet are exposed facing up.Place the hands palms downs,on the knees and form a circle with the thumb and forefinger (in the chin-mudra) while pointing the other fingers straightht ahead.

Breath slowly and deeply through the nostrils and remain motionless for six complete breaths (an inhale and exhale is one complete breath).

Inhale,slowly and stretch the arms straight up over the head and interlock the fingers with the palms pushed upward.Remain in this position for six complete breaths.

Exhale slowly,release the fingers and slowly bend forward at the waist while placing the palms of the hands flat on the soles of the feet.Place the chin between the knees.

Hold this position for the duration of six complete breaths.Inhale,raise the chest up,stretch the legs straight ahead and place the hands,palms down,on top of the thighs.

Hold the posture from several minutes as part of an asana session or for the duration of your meditation or pranayama.


Stretches the thighs,knees and ankles.

Stretches the arches

Improves digestion and relieves gas

Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause

Therapeutic for high blood pressure and asthma.

Please Note:

Do not practice Hero Pose if you are currently suffering from heart problems or headaches.If you have a knee or ankle injury,only attempt this pose under the guidance of an experienced and knowledgeable instructor.Always work within your own range of limits and abilities.If you have any medical concerns,talk with your doctor before practicing Yoga.

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