Thursday, August 10, 2017

Garuda-asana (The Eagle Pose) For Anti-aging

Garuda-asana (The Eagle Pose) For


The Sanskrit word Garuda means eagle. In Hindu mythology Garuda is known as the King of birds. He transports the God Vishnu (shown with a bow and arrow in the illustration to the left) and is said to be eager to help humanity fight against daemons.


Stand with the feet together and the arms by your sides .

Draw the left foot upward bending the knee and wrap the left foot around your right leg as you rest the back of your left thigh on the right thigh.

Cross your arms at the elbows,left over right.

Join the palms of your hands together keeping the fingers pointed upward.

Inhale, and hold the posture for the duration of the inhaled breath.

Exhale,and return to the Tada-asana. Repeat the posture on the opposite side,wrapping the right leg over the left and the right arm over left.

Hold the Halasana for as long as you are comfortable.20-30 seconds is fine for early attempts,increase the time gradually as you become more comfortable.You can also try holding the posture for as long as you can hold the inhaled breath.

Repeat 2 or 3 times on each leg.


The Garudasana will strengthen the legs,knees and ankles.It stretches and tones muscles of the leg and can help relieve cramps of the legs.

This asana improves concentration.

When you practice this posture your blood vessels get stretched.As a result your blood vessels are strengthened and there is an increase in the circulation of blood though the body.

You can prevent knee pain and joint pain by doing this posture regularly.

Practice this yoga asana regularly and you can keep many of the body pains away.

It also increase the flexibility of the body.

Please Note:

You must not do Garudasana if you are suffering from any injuries of the knee or if you have joint pain.

Obesity is also a reason not to practice this asana.

If you are pregnant,you must not do this pose.

People suffering from low or high blood pressure and having frequent headaches are also advised not to try doing this asana.

If you are faced with any difficulty when you do Garudasana,you can take the advice of your yoga teacher.

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