Friday, July 7, 2017

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose) for weight loss

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose) 

for weight loss

It's not unusual for men to experience tight muscles throughout the torso, but Bridge Pose can help open the upper body and release those tight muscles. Whether you realize it or not, tightness in this area make for shallow breathing and can even make other physical activities more challenging. Over time, practicing bridge pose will create more space in the chest and make for easier, fuller breathing.


Lie flat on the ground and keep your arms at your sides.

Now lift your hips upwards as much you can (should not over-stretch) with the help of pressing your palms.

Keep breathing deeply in this position for some time 20-30 seconds.

Now relax by touching your hips to the ground i.e your starting position.

Repeat this cycle for 3-4 times.


Strengthens legs,back,neck and chest.

Relaxes whole body.

Reduces stress.

Calms the brain and reduces anxiety.

Good for pregnant women.

Improves digestion.

Cures back pain, insomnia.

Maintains the normal blood pressure.

Improves blood circulation.


Pregnant women should practice carefully and should not practice with full force during pregnancy.

Should be practiced under expert guidance.

Legs and feet should be parallel.

Those having injuries to the neck, shoulder and spine problem should not practice.

Pregnant women should always consult a doctor in the last 6-9 months of pregnancy before practicing Bridge Pose to avoid any complications.

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