Friday, July 7, 2017

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose) For Weight Loss

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose) 

For Weight Loss

Standing Forward Bend, opens the back of the legs,the hips and the back. Making this Pose even more appealing for non-bendy men is that it's easily modified . If you can't reach the floor, keep your hands on your thighs, calves or ankles or use blocks to shorten the distance.

In addition to stretching muscles, standing forward fold lower blood pressure, eases headaches, improves circulation and helps you sleep better. And if you allow gravity to do its job in this pose and relax your head and neck, you can also reduce the tension you carry in your upper body.


Begin by standing in Mountain Pose.Take a deep inhale to reach your arms up over your head, framing your face.

Use your exhale to engage your navel to your spine and swan dive over your legs with a flat back.

Place your hands on the floor slightly in front of  or beside your feet.Press of four corners of both feet into the ground and lift your sitz bones toward the ceiling. Relax your head and neck.

Breath here for at least three deep breaths.


Increases back and hamstring flexibility .

Great for relieving stress.

Strengthens the thighs and knees.

Keep your spine strong and flexible.

calms the mind and soothes the nerves.

Relieves tension in the spine,neck and back.

Activates the abdominal muscles.


Soften your knees if this is too intense for your hamstrings.

Who have lower back injury,sciatica,Glaucoma or a detached retina should avoid this posture.

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