Friday, July 7, 2017

Naukasana (Boat Pose) for Belly fat

Naukasana (Boat Pose) for Belly fat

Another amazing strengthening posture,Boat Pose or Naukasana, will give you rock hard abs as it also strengthens the hips flexors and spine. This posture is particularly beneficial to men what it does to stimulate the prostate gland and even just raise awareness and reduce tension in the pelvic region, This Boat Pose is beneficial to cure many physical disorders. Basically Naukasana help to strengthen the lungs,liver and pancreas. Helps to increases the circulation of blood and maintain the sugar level. If you're the type of guy whose key to your heart is through your stomach, you'll enjoy Boat Pose for it's ability to stimulate the digestive system and keep everything moving smoothly.


Sit on your Yoga mat with your legs straight out in front of you. Flex you feet back towards your body and sit up straight.

Lean your feet back and bend your knees,lifting your legs off the floor.

Lean back further until your shins are parallel to the floor. Grasp your thighs with your hands and draw in your lower back.

Release your thighs and stretch your arms to the front,with your palms facing towards the body. Remain in this position for about 5-10 breaths.

Slowly, with control,straighten your legs and bring your palms up to rest behind your head. Your feet should be higher than your head. Hold the pose for 5-10 breaths,then slowly release.


Helps to reduce belly fat.

Improve the function of digestion.

Good for developing six pack ABS.

Regulates the function of pancreas,liver and lungs.

Strengthens abdominal muscles.

Good for diabetes patient to maintain the sugar level.

Improves the blood circulation

Strengthens the muscles of thigh,hips,neck and shoulder.

Improves the function of kidney,thyroids and prostate glands.


Suffering from low and high blood pressure,hip joint pain,arthritis severe migraine,hernia and ulcer patients should not practice Boat Pose.

Consult a doctor first before practicing any exercise and practice under expert guidance.

Pregnant women should not practice this posture.

Avoid practicing during periods.but, if you are comfortable to practice then go ahead.

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