Thursday, July 13, 2017

Yoga For Pregnant Women

Yoga For Pregnant Women

The word "Yoga" is derived from Sanskrit,which implies an activity in which one has to concentrate the whole mind in order to control the five senses. This means that we must be able to control,manage and concentrate fully so as to create harmony and balance between mind,soul and body. Yoga is the "State of Mind". The goal of yoga is to lead a calm mind,and this is indeed very intangible of  difficult to understand. From there,Yoga Asana provides solutions to achieve this goal. Concentration to the body part will be easier because something "tangible" can be felt. After that,just slowly land to the mind.

As if art and soul, yoga combines mind control, breathing,with physical practice movements tend to be smooth and not in a hurry.In the practice of yoga,every posture taught has a different meaning-whether it is for the body or the mind.Sitting posture,for example is interpreted as a pose for relaxation. While the posture stands,interpreted as a way to generate energy. Criticism and constructive suggestions are expected so that the future of yoga pregnancy gym applications can be better.Hopefully with this application can help you in doing yoga.

Please Note:

Consult your doctor before doing this exercises.

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