Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Ardha-Chandra Asana (Half-Moon Posture) For Glowing Face

Ardha-Chandra Asana (Half-Moon Posture) For Glowing Face

The Ardha-Chandrasana is a basic stretching and balancing pose that benefits principly the lower back, abdomen and chest. It is equally suitable for use in your stretching routine as well as formal asana practice. This pose is also one of the posture that are sequenced in "Surya-Namaskar" (The Sun Salutation).


stand in the Tada-asana .Stand with both feet touching from the heel to the bib toe, keeping the back straight and the arms pressed slightly against the sides with palms facing inward.

Bring the hands together at the chest with palms lightly pressed against each other (The Anjali-mudra).

Inhale,and raised the arms straight up keeping the palms pressed lightly together.

Arch your body backwards keeping your arms alongside. Your neck and head,tilt the head backward and hold. Keep your knees straight while holding posture.

Slowly return to the Tada-asana.

Repeat Ardha-Chandrasana two to three  times.


Half-Moon Pose is the best stress buster and improves your digestive system.

This posture makes your ankles,thighs,buttocks,spine and core area stronger.

Ardha-Chandrasana lower down your lower back problems.

It gives your calves,hamstrings,chest,shoulders,calves groin,and spine very good stretch.

This Pose is beneficial in menstrual disorders in women and relieves pain in your legs.

Please Note:

Look straight in neck problems,try to gaze straight and keep your neck long.In the neck,problem doesn't look up.

If you are facing problems like,low blood pressure,Diarrhea,headaches and migraines,then don't attempt this yoga posture.

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